Ephemera I’ve Done Made

A truck

In my time in the world of game development I have contributed to and been directly responsible for the production of much refuse. Here you may wade through the landfill and find the stinky things you seek.

Visit the landfill here.

Some smells:

I’ve also worked on some games that would probably make someone with money mad if I described them as ‘refuse’, ‘stinky’ or ‘landfill’, so I am obligated to put the following disclaimer:

“Games That Absolutely Do Not Stink (They Smell Great Actually)”

Every Hue of You (2023): a visual novel about your emotions or something. Released on Steam and Switch (maybe?). I was the “technical producer” for most of this one. Yes I invented my own job title.

And Now, A Moment’s Silence For The Unfinished Ones